How to get your free thin clients
1. Download 2X ThinClientServer PXES edition
2. Install 2X ThinClientServer PXES edition on a Windows or Linux machine
3. Select your PCs (these can be outdated PCs with as little as 32 MB of RAM and 200 Mhz processing power) to convert to thin clients. For detailed instructions review the manual (link to manual)
4. You will be able to use and manage an unlimited number of thin client devices perpetually - no license fees required.
How 2X ThinClientServer works
2X ThinClientServer deploys a small footprint Linux-based OS to old PCs, new low cost PCs and to popular thin client devices (HP, Neoware, Wyse, Maxspeed and more). Thin clients always boot the latest version of the OS from the ThinClientServer. The thin client OS is write protected for maximum security.
2X ThinClientServer features:
- Converting existing PCs to thin clients
- Manage users' connection settings centrally by user, group or department
- Limit users to 2X published applications rather than giving access to a whole desktop
- Thin client vendor independent: Manage any thin client / PC centrally
- Supports virtually all thin clients and computer hardware